Product Agents

Turn research and feedback into products customers love.

Create AI product agents in seconds to turn feedback and research into insights, shape product updates, and explain changes to your team—all while using your company's knowledge securely in a shared workspace.

The problem

Your team cannot find meaningful feedback from hours of customer calls or share these insights with others in the company.

They spend hours writing user stories, planning surveys and interviews - instead of being in front of users.
You spend hours answering product questions and updating colleagues.
Your team would have to spend hours analyzing customer calls, support tickets, reviews and sales opportunities.

Our solution

Mindset AI’s agents securely use your tools and company knowledge to help turn insights into products customers love.


Connect feedback sources.

Enable content ingestion from external sources and schedule auto-syncs to keep your product agent up to date with the latest feedback, insights, research and sales calls.

Chat, Copy & Paste

Turn feedback into actionable insight instantly.

Mindset agents quickly gather and organize research and insights from multiple sources, creating actionable themes that inform the roadmap and build team trust.

Media Segments

Find the exact snippet from an interview or discovery call.

Quickly find specific themes, ideas, and names mentioned in any research, and our AI will take you to the exact sentence or second you need in text, audio, or video content.

Knowledge Sharing & Permissions

Turn product insights into accessible knowledge for everyone.

Agents can be shared with other teams, with set permissions, so everyone can easily access customer insights, news, and learnings while maintaining appropriate content access controls.

Agent Templates

Write stories, create surveys and plan interviews.

Create templates for agents to follow so you can turn your insights into user stories, surveys, discovery questions, and more, helping you align your important tasks with your business processes.

Get in the Mindset:

Book a demo

Mindset automatically updates to keep your knowledge in sync.

Selective Access

Choose which parts of your knowledge base Mindset can access.

Agent Controls

Fine-tune your agent to fit exactly what you need and give it access to any LLM. No coding required.


Mindset connects to all your workplace applications.

Analytics & Insights

See how employees are engaging with your content.

Security & Performance Testing

Track agent bias, monitor performance, and run tests at scale before giving your team access.

Product Led. Partner Driven

We're not just about automation; it's about augmentation. Powering 1000s of enterprise workplaces, learning and knowledge sharing with new AI team members

The easiest way for your product team to adopt AI.

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