SALES Agents

Let reps focus on prospects, not admin.

Create AI sales agents in seconds to help every sales rep create prospect comms, answer every question and get coaching—securely using your company's knowledge in a collaborative workspace.

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Watch our CPO, Jack, giving a quick demo of agents in action

The problem

Your sales team loses deals because they spend too much time on admin rather than selling.

Sales reps waste time searching for product updates and answers to prospect queries and objections.
Sales leaders can't provide constant deal support and coaching for every rep.
Valuable insights from sales calls rarely lead to updates in process, playbooks, content, cadences or training.

Our solution

Mindset AI’s agents securely use your tools and company knowledge to help reps increase sales velocity and close deals.

Questions & Searching  

Instant answers for sales reps.

Mindset AI’s sales agent has access to all important company knowledge, providing your reps instant answers about your product, services, processes, and more, so they can focus on deal progression.

Learning & Scenarios

Sales coaching for reps, at scale.

Create role-play scenarios based on real personas and connect them to:

Battle cards

Objection handling docs

Competitive intelligence

And more… you can give every rep personalized action plans to improve without meetings.

Deal Management  

Automate deal reviews, without the management.

Mindset’s sales agents can:

Run deal reviews

Assess reps using frameworks of your choice

Score deals on key metrics

Provide actionable next steps your team are always on top of every deal so you can accelerate deal velocity.

Writing Tasks

Make every sales touch personalized and relevant.

Mindset uses your company knowledge, comms templates, and prospect info to instantly create:


Outbound emails

LinkedIn posts

Provides actionable next steps

And more…

...all using your tone and templates, so every prospect touch is personalized and relevant.

Sales Operations

Keep distributed teams aligned with the latest insights and playbooks.

Mindset processes call transcripts, identifies key insights and updates your playbook within a single conversation, which can be shared with your team. Keep your sales reps constantly improving, easily.

Get in the Mindset:

Book a demo

Mindset automatically updates to keep your knowledge in sync.

Selective Access

Choose which parts of your knowledge base Mindset can access.

Agent Controls

Fine-tune your agent to fit exactly what you need and give it access to any LLM. No coding required.


Mindset connects to all your workplace applications.

Analytics & Insights

See how employees are engaging with your content.

Security & Performance Testing

Track agent bias, monitor performance, and run tests at scale before giving your team access.

Product Led. Partner Driven.

Most companies write generic case studies and ask customers to put their names against them. Watch our partner videos with real people saying real stuff about Mindset.

Take away the stress of sales admin & focus on what matters

Speak to our team and make your sales reps 10x more productive

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